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Archives December 2022

Christmas Celebrations 2022

The Deputy High Commission of Sri Lanka for Southern India celebrated Christmas on December 16, 2022 at the Chancery premises. The Christmas message and the prayers were delivered by Rev. V. S. Vijayakumar. Mr. B. H. Abdul Hameed, world famous Tamil anchor was invited as a Special Guest by the Deputy High Commissioner Dr. D. Venkateshwaran. Lutheran Men’s Voice, an all male choir was invited as the Chief Guest for the event. The Mission invited teachers & students of C.S.I. Puthuir Special School in Chennai to share the joy of Christmas. Christmas Carols by invited students, Lutheran Men’s Voice, Mission staff and their family members were performed at the event.

Special Consular Camp 14.12.2022

The Deputy High Commission conducted its 20th Consular Camp on 14 December 2022. Hon. Piyal Nishantha de Silva, State Minister of Fisheries handed over the Consular Birth Certificates and Citizenship Certificates to the beneficiaries. Sri Lankan expatriates from 18 Rehabilitation Camps across Tamil Nadu attended the event.