International Mudaliar and Pillaimar Association (IMPA) is a non-profit, non-political organization based in Southern India which consists of more than 25000 members worldwide. IMPA constitutes of reputed business owners with a South Indian origin and highly involved in development of economy, education, health and agriculture in rural communities in Southern India. Under the invitation of Dr. D. Venkateshwaran, Deputy High Commissioner of Sri Lanka in Chennai, around 60 business owners including Chairman & senior officials of IMPA participated a seminar on ‘Investment and Business Opportunities in Sri Lanka’ held at the Chancery Premises on 18th February, 2022. In delivering the keynote speech, The Deputy High Commissioner emphasized the fact ‘why you should invest in Sri Lanka’. Presentation on ‘Avenues of investing Sri Lanka’ and ‘Sri Lanka – the way forward) were presented by Mr. Dilanga Hettiarachchi, Second Secretary (Commercial) and Mr. Supun Deshaprema, Second Secretary (Cultural & Political). The event was followed by a Q & A session and an interactive working lunch also, which earned several positive responses in investing and establishing new businesses in Sri Lanka, for sectors such as renewable energy, pharmaceutical products, handicrafts, textiles & IT/BPO etc.