Deputy High Commission of Sri Lanka in Chennai, celebrated 74th Independence day of Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka on 04th February, 2022 at the Chancery premises. Due to rising pandemic situation in Southern India, the Mission celebrated the Independence Day in a low key manner, only with the Mission staff and their family members. Prior to the official celebration, an almsgiving prepared by the Mission Staff was offered to Ven. Buddawansalankara thero (Ven. Gauthama Mauriyar thero) of Rameshwaram. The official ceremony was inaugurated with the hoist of National flag at the Chancery premises by D. Venkateshwaran, the Deputy High Commissioner of Sri Lanka in Southern India. Hindu, Islamic and Catholic dignitaries from Tamil Nadu also participated the event along with their blessings. The felicitation messages from Hon. Prime Minister and Hon. Foreign Minister also conveyed to the audience at the event.
Deputy High Commission of Sri Lanka